
Cantonese wedding

Most Cantonese weddings follow the main Chinese wedding traditions, although some rituals are unique to the .

Bride price

The bride price is often subject to the groom's family economic status. Most brides' families try to avoid giving the impression of "selling the daughter" by not demanding a high bride price. In tradition, the bride price can be in the form of gold jewelry, fine fabric or money.

Exchange of gifts

Monetary presents are usually offered in the form of a red envelope, or , to the new couple. The ''lai see'' symbolises luck and prosperity to the new family. It is also common to give gold jewelry as presents. Wedding presents to the couple are usually expected from the elders , family members who are older or of higher generation rank than the newlyweds.

Tea ceremony

The elders sit while the couple serves tea to each one, beginning with the head of the family. The elder in return will offer a small present to the couple. This is repeated with the other elders in the order of descending generation rank.

Family members of the same rank as the couple will stand while the couple either stands or kneels while serving them tea. Again, gifts are offered to the couple.

Family members who are younger or of lower rank than the couple will take turns to serve tea to the couple. By this time the couple will have been seated. In return, the couple will usually offer each of them a small present .

The tea ceremony is also an opportunity for the bride and groom to express gratitude towards their parents for looking after them until the wedding day. In Chinese families, one is considered an adult and independent when one gets married. This also serves as the event during which the family meets the new spouse and welcomes him or her to the family.
